Female Obesity
A growing problem that Must be controlled from each Woman personally. To switch on a better Lifestyle
Obesity affects a large portion of the total population of United States. A distressing 69% of adults from ages 20 to 74 were reported obese in 2017. Female obesity can be observed in all population clusters, however the racial and ethnic orientation of a person plays a very substantial factor.
Obesity is more commonly found among Hispanic, Pacific Islander and African American women.
Fifty percent of African American adults are seriously battling with health and weight problems. These figures are certainly not a laughing matter. The continued dramatic escalation of this health epidemic should be given more serious attention.
There are a number of ailments that can directly be associated with overweight and obesity. Female obesity has been known to develop some really serious health complications such as heart diseases, diabetes, stroke and cancer. People who are overweight have a considerably low glucose tolerance, which result to higher risk of acquiring type 2 diabetes.
Obese people are also prone to a serious medical condition known as sleep apnea. This condition causes a person to stop breathing for a few seconds and snore heavily, which is mainly due to an enlarged neck and a narrowed airway. Certain types of cancer are also prevalent in female obesity. Among these are cancers of the breast, cervix, uterus, ovaries and gallbladder.
Women who are overweight have also a lower chance of conceiving.
These, and a whole lot more health afflictions can possibly develop with obese and overweight people. It has also been declared that obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
Not only does female obesity present a dangerously high risk in the well being of women, emotional and social problems are also expected to crop up.
Obese women are often subjected to labor discrimination. Female obesity is considered a potential barrier in getting jobs in any labor sector.
Obese women also go through emotional torment. In many cultures, beauty is normally equated to the person’s slimness, and obese people are unjustly labeled as gluttonous and lazy people. This is why obese women and even men suffer depression and a very low self-esteem.
This is a dismal fact that a lot of women have to contend with aside from battling with their own weight demons.
A support group and a positive approach should be cultivated for people who are struggling with obesity.
With proper knowledge, an effective weight-loss plan, supplement or strict diet, coupled with the right attitude, any person can overcome obesity.
The Mother’s Pregnancy and Obesity
Fondamentals and Priorities when expecting your baby
The joy of being a mom is incomparable; but the joy of a woman having a lovely body is another thing.
Most women have the misconception that once you have your baby, then it is only normal to not be to able to return to your original slim-figure. This may be correct, but only in part. The amount of weight gained after childbirth is determined ‘normal’ only under set considerations.
What the new mom needs to know first is to realize that there may be a possible correlation between her pregnancy and obesity.
The correlation between pregnancy and obesity is only recently thought of by research experts studying obesity. The pregnancy and obesity factor is often overshadowed by the improper eating habits cause of abnormal weight gain. Yet the pregnancy and obesity focus may prove as a lot more consequential according to various aspects.
First, determining the connection of pregnancy and obesity with the change in the woman’s body after childbirth may also point to other health risks other than obesity per se. Sudden excessive weight gain during post-partum may reflect-- complications during pregnancy, stress incontinence or urine outflow, poor female reproductive health, or psychological disorders such as depression.
The last health risk in a mother undergoing weight gain could be considered as double-edged.
As a woman’s body changes due to weight gain from pregnancy, more weight gain may result even more as effect of the weight gain.
On the other hand, while a woman may have low-self esteem due to apprehensions on her body-image after giving birth, she may also have more serious problems contributing to her weight-gain. It should also be noted that a woman may have emotional and psychosomatic disorders of coping up with the stresses of ‘being-a-mother’ hence leading to food binges, disrupted body mechanisms, weight gain, and eventually – to obesity.
In addition, some women also assume that fats accumulated from pregnancy will never disappear and that efforts to lose them would only leave them in vain. What they fail to realize though is that it normally takes up to only a good 9-months to get back to the weight prior to pregnancy. The go-slow approach-effort to after-pregnancy weight loss then, is best for the mother in order to give her body some time to recover after child-bearing.
While it may be acceptable for women to have the tendency to neglect the problem of weight gain as priority once placed side by side all her responsibilities of being a mother, a mother must still give her self a chance to have the beautiful healthy body that she deserves – while also bearing in mind that the health of the mother is also the health of her baby.
Culpable Causes of Obesity
The Things Every woman Should be aware Of
The causes of obesity that health experts present are quite a number of factors to consider for the concerned consumer, and more studies are ever made to make the condition even more complicated. Developing awareness of the correlated causes of obesity though may encourage people to be more attentive to their personal wellbeing.
Here are some of the major causes of obesity:
* eating too much fat giving excess energy stored in the body
* too much sugar, starch or other carbohydrates which are also important energy sources convertible into fats
* too much of preprocessed products (no-cook or easy-to-cook) that often have more fat or sugar, for preservation (sweet beverages, soda, cakes, ice-cream, fast food and tetra/foil-packed snacks)
* eating too much food all together, including proteins that could also be converted to fat if over-consumed
* irregular eating habits, like eating much at one time, little at another time, long span in-between some meals, consuming food with high doses of sugar at some times while no sugar at other times – producing an uncontrollable appetite physiology making you deposit more fats in your body
* consuming too much high-calorie alcoholic drinks
* lack of vitamins and minerals, and a generally unhealthy diet decreasing the body’ capacity to burn extra amounts of fats and sugar
* inactive ‘sitting’ lifestyle wherein the body burns little fat and sugar, and
* boredom in daily routine life resulting to excessive eating as a way of getting entertainment
Some specialized studies on health also reveal unanticipated causes of obesity or excessive body weight:
* hypothyroidism decreasing food metabolism, appetite loss and modest weight gain wherein protein deposits in the body cause fat accumulation and fluid retention
* essential fatty acid or good fats (flaxseed oil) deficiency needed by the body to maintain the body’s metabolic rate and also causing cravings for fatty foods
* food sensitivity occurring many hours later as bloating and swelling caused by fermentation of foods, particularly carbohydrates, in the intestines, inflammation and the release of certain hormones that increase fluid retention and weight gain
* cushing’s syndrome producing excess cortisol hormone and resulting to rounded ‘moon face’ and ‘buffalo hump’
* use of certain prescription drugs like steroids, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antidepressants, diabetic medications, hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives containing estrogen causing fluid retention and increased appetite
* prior kidney, heart or liver disease causing fluid retention and weight gain
* organ enlargement, such as from an ovarian cyst, and obstruction of lymph fluid
* blood sugar imbalance due to rapid fluctuations in blood sugar levels, then the need for insulin to store sugar away and lower the sugar level, finally triggering cravings for more sweets, and
* emotional eating (BED/ binge-eating-disorder) to respond to stress or depression affecting eating habits and causing weight gain
These are other causes of obesity that are not easy to control. And Yes. It is unuseful to say, but obviously it is therefore up to us to controllably manage our activities and consumption against storing more than we can burn-off.
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Aren't You pregnant, but a Morbidly Obese Women? You Should Take Action Now (Or Die Earyly)!
Our advices to take seriously
If you fall into the morbidly obese women category or know someone who does, you need to take action immediately. Your body mass index i.e. the measurement of fat based on weight and height is likely to be over 35.
Ideally you want that to be in the 20 to 25 range.
(if you want to immediately ceck Yours, use our free and fast automatic calculator HERE)
Being this obese, you are seriously at risk of dying prematurely. Your chances of having diabetes, cancer, stroke or high blood pressure are significantly higher than a slim women with a similar lifestyle and age.
The good news is that every pound you lose will have a positive impact on your health so there is no time like the present to start.
Forget about surgery for now. Some people think that gastric band surgery is the only option but it isn't. It is dangerous, doesn't always work and most doctors will not recommend it unless you have tried everything else.
Unless your doctor recommends it, You need to find a long term solution to the problem as otherwise you are going to be forever dieting and putting it all back on again.
If you want children, you must get rid of the excess weight as it adversely affects your fertility levels but also can lead to serious complications in pregnancy. So if you need additional motivation to lose the excess pounds perhaps you have just found it.
From today, start reducing your portion size and throw out all the ready meals even those with the word diet on it.
Drink water (or sugar-free tea) and the odd fruit juice but forget about diet sodas, coffee, tea and obviously alcohol.
Keep your meals small and regular as this will kick your metabolism up a notch. Make sure you get plenty of sleep as this will help to regulate your hormones which will in turn help prevent you from snacking.
Women need adequate supplies of vitamin B to keep their hormones on an even keel.
This is especially true when your period is due or if you have recently started the menopause.
Discuss this with your doctor as he can check your vitamin levels and advise you accordingly. While he is checking this, get him to check your iron levels and thyroid function as well.
Thyroid malfunction is common in women and can lead to weight gain.
Your genetics may be linked to your obesity but that is not an excuse to just accept it.
You can change your future and prolong your life.
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